Melissa's New Book



Is it possible for a baby to survive a chemical abortion?

The short answer: yes! According to a study published in Israel, the effectiveness of mifepristone and misoprostol abortion pills was documented at just over 90% (Haimov-Kochman, 2007). The same study showed that after taking both pills, 7.4% of the women had an additional surgical abortion procedure completed. In their book titled Women’s Health After Abortion: The Medical and Psychological Evidence, Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy and Ian Gentles wrote, “Drug-induced or ‘medical’ abortion has a higher failure rate than surgical abortion.”

At the Abortion Survivors Network, not only do we serve the individuals who have survived the failed abortion attempt on their life, but we also serve their families. Their mothers. Their fathers and siblings. So far, we have connected with at least 6 mothers who are raising chemical abortion survivors – both biological and adoptive mothers. While that number may seem small, it’s just the beginning of what our family program is anticipating.

In March of 2023, we were contacted by a biological mother stating that she had experienced a chemical abortion and after being filled with regret, she reached out for help and was able to have an Abortion Pill Reversal (APR for short). Her son is now 4 years old and they are both being supported at ASN. We have been able to show her that she will never be judged, she is deeply cared for, and she will never be alone. She participates in our monthly support group just for moms and receives one-on-one support with our clinical social worker. ASN’s family support program offers free resources for parenting, monthly support groups for both biological and adoptive parents, individualized support, referrals for local assistance for mental health, healthcare, etc., and helping parents to determine how to share their child’s abortion survival story with them with age-appropriate information.

So yes, when babies survive chemical abortions – and any abortion procedure for that matter – we rejoice because every life is valuable and every human being matters. And so do their mothers, and fathers, and families. We believe in the inherent dignity of every life, no matter where or how it began or what circumstances may be influencing it right now. If you are an abortion survivor or are the parent of an abortion survivor, you are not alone! We have an incredible network of survivors and other families waiting to support you, just reach out or email us at

If you have taken the first abortion pill and are looking for reversal help, the APR 24/7 HELPLINE is: 1-877-558-0333. You can also chat online at:



Haimov-Kochman R., Arbel R., Sciaky-Tamir Y., Brzezinski A., Laufer N., Yagel S. (2007). Risk factors for unsuccessful medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2007;86(4):462-6. Doi: 10.1080/00016340701203632. PMID: 17486469.

Ring-Cassidy, E., & Gentles, I. (2002). Women’s health after abortion: The medical and psychological evidence. The deVeber Insitute for Bioethics and Social Research.

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