You Are Worth Fighting For
Through our work we know that there are likely thousands upon thousands of abortion survivors. No matter your story or where you are in processing this piece of it, you don’t have to walk this alone. As fellow abortion survivors we understand the questions you may be asking and the complex emotions you may be feeling—everything from gratitude over being alive, to guilt over surviving and everywhere in between. Know that you are valued and we have resources created just for you!
Survivors in our Network all have unique survival experiences and stories—no two are the same!
Whether you survived a failed abortion procedure, your mother stopped the abortion part way through the process, or the chemical abortion (abortion pill) you survived was reversed, we have so many common emotions, thoughts, struggles and strengths, needs and desires for answers and meaning.
Whether the abortion you survived was legal or illegal, whether you were raised in your biological family or placed for adoption, your experience is valid. In our community, you can be YOU, survivor and all, with people who see you and support you for who you are.
Whether you survived an attempt to abort you at home, a surgical abortion at an abortion clinic or hospital, or a combination of attempts, there are survivors in our community that spans around the globe that can relate to you.
“My name is Jennifer Milbourn and I survived a vacuum aspiration abortion. Like you, I have insecurities and trust issues that have been difficult to handle on my own, but am so grateful to have found a survivor family at The Abortion Survivors Network. We aren’t a perfect bunch of people, but we do share a unique survival experience, which facilitates a sense of belonging with one another that is rare and I haven’t found outside of ASN.”
At The Abortion Survivors Network, we put a face on a different type of “choice.” The choice to be acknowledged, heard and healed from the nightmare called abortion.
Through our work, we know there are likely thousands upon thousands of abortion survivors. No matter your story or where you are in processing this piece of it, you don’t have to walk this alone.
As fellow abortion survivors, we understand the questions you may be asking and the grief you may be feeling. Know that you are valued, and we have resources created just for you!
You are proof that babies survive abortion. You should never have to reassure those around you, much less the world, that you exist despite your circumstances. No one has the right to shame you into silence or dismiss you because of your experience.
You are worth fighting for every day.
You Are Not Alone
Since 2012, we have connected with over 643 abortion survivors, and like you, every one of their lives is valuable. Requests for our assistance have nearly doubled since Roe v. Wade was overturned. Survivors are coming forward, seeking community and finding their voice.
Join Our Community!
Private Community for Survivors
Our private community for only survivors provides a safe space for all of us to do life together.
We keep a healthy and supportive atmosphere on our social media platforms. We also host other opportunities to meet other survivors in person throughout the year.
You see, we understand because we are survivors too. Our lives are intimately intertwined by a common bond that no one would wish on another, yet we have survived.
Healing curriculum
Healing is an ongoing choice and process that we have to choose daily. We have created a healing video-based curriculum specifically for abortion survivors that will walk you through steps that have been helpful for many of us.
Connection to Resources
We know that because of experienced trauma, survivors can have needs beyond a community. We can get you connected to additional help and resources within your area.
This help can include support in areas such as professional therapy, crisis resources, addiction support, and rent assistance. By filling out a needs assessment, we will provide a Community Treatment Plan based on your federal, state, and local needs.
Speakers Training
There is no pressure to tell your story, but as you heal, you may become ready to share your experience with others in one way or another. We want to help you find your voice, but how you choose to use your voice is your choice. If you’re ready for this step, we have a speaking training for survivors to learn the art of sharing their story through a video series, curriculum, and with a speaker’s coach to guide you.
Ambassadors Program
Do you want to advance a culture of life in your state and region? You will not only share your story as an abortion survivor but also be trained and equipped as a pro-life leader and activist.
We are launching our Ambassadors’ Program in fall 2023!
We take survivors’ confidentiality and privacy seriously. We don’t share stories without permission, and survivors never have to share their stories or participate in any programs to be supported.