Melissa's New Book



Understanding Trauma: Neuroscience Advancements

Don’t let the title stop you from reading! There is certainly a wealth of information in the literature about the science behind trauma and how it affects our bodies and brains, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or hard to understand.

This month, as we highlight Priscilla, our survivor of the month, we’re not only talking about persevering, but we’re also talking about multiple abortion experiences, and how abortion survivors are not “immune” to having other experiences, like having an abortion, working in an abortion clinic, taking someone for an abortion. As Melissa talks about in this month’s Life Empowers episode, what you may think is a protective factor AGAINST having an abortion or being impacted by abortion in another manner may actually be a RISK factor leading to a greater likelihood for it.

One of our favorite resources that highlights this is Greg Hasek’s presentation for the Support After Abortion virtual conference. Listen to Greg’s presentation here:

If you’d like more information about the impact of abortion and trauma on abortion survivors, and the risk factors we face without healing and support, please send us a message from our website. For families, especially, who are navigating how and when to tell a survivor their story, this is an important conversation to have!


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