Melissa's New Book
Your Center Can Use this Video FREE to help reach women!

Dear Pregnancy Resource Centers… We Can Help!

As we continue on in a post-roe America, the support and love that pregnancy resource centers are offering women are more necessary now than ever before. Pregnancy resource centers have been critical to the work and mission of the pro-life movement, especially in the past year. We know that you are on the frontlines of this fight, and you are experiencing survivors in your community. 

Through our research at The Abortion Survivors Network, we have estimated that 1,734 babies survive abortion every year in the US. We are also seeing an increase in chemical abortion across the country, with chemical abortion now accounting for over half of all abortions, with that number being 54%. This means that more babies are surviving abortions through abortion pill reversal. When a baby survives an abortion that has been stopped, failed, or reversed, it can be a tough situation for pregnancy resource centers to be in. Knowing how to exactly support a survivor and their family through this unique circumstance can be hard, but we can help!

Some of the ways we can help is through support for you and your staff, whether that means training, long-term resources for the baby and their family, referrals, and support through the abortion-pill reversal process.  

Here at ASN, we provide hope, healing, and a voice to survivors and their families. This means that our services are here for you as you serve survivors of abortion as well! You can sign up for a training or reach out to a team member at Send us a message today— we would love to hear from you and hear about your experiences. 

If you are experiencing a situation with a woman who has taken the abortion pill or has had an abortion be reversed, you can reach out to ASN with questions, to hear about our programs, or to receive a referral. We know that the emotions that these women may be feeling are complex. You know, like we do, the importance of providing empathy and providing her with support. This support can be for her mental, physical, and spiritual health. As you navigate this, our programs and staff are here for you. E

Email Our Team TODAY to find support for your center!

We hope you know how much we appreciate you and are standing alongside you in your mission to support women and their babies. Thank you for your dedication and love for these women, for hearing their stories, and for your sacrifices. 

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