Melissa's New Book



Babies Survive Abortions


Babies who survive abortion, the mothers who bear them, the families that
surround them, and the people they grow to be are the heartbeat of the Abortion
Survivors Network.

You can champion them to overcome the stigma and tragedy of their birth
stories, live, and thrive. Your generosity and compassion bridge the gap.

We are working hard to raise funds to propel this important mission into 2024
with strength and innovation. This year-end season of giving nationwide is pivotal
for organizations like ASN.

Can we count on you to give and help abortion survivors today?

  • $48 can provide one survivor trauma care box
  • $88 helps give a survivor one-on-one wrap-around care
  • $525 helps resource and train one AS Regional Advocate
  • $1,500 can subsidize one month of online outreach to women at imminent risk of using chemical abortion pills
  • $3,500 helps produce a storytelling video to reach survivors, empower
    healing, risk and galvanize awareness


The Hope Circle is a very special group of ASN donors with the vision to invest significantly in this life-saving mission. These generous and compassionate partners give $10,000+ annually through impact gifts, planned legacy and estate giving, and the creative giving of assets. Please email for more information about the Hope Circle.


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