Although we are blessed with an abundance of abortion healing curriculums in the pro-life movement, no one knows survivors like fellow survivors. No ministry has existed to provide help and hope to survivors. No platform has existed for survivors to use their voices from that was uniquely created with their strengths and needs in mind.
The Abortion Survivors Network is known for humanizing abortion through education and outreach, challenging the lies that abortions don’t fail and children don’t survive them, but many people don’t know, is that we offer personalized support to survivors–from help with obtaining medical records to sharing your story, peer support in a community who understands what it’s like to be in your shoes, and healing support, we are here for you!
Our healing workbook is available free of charge to any survivor. If you’re a mental health professional or abortion healing leader who would like a copy for your work, we’d love to equip you, too! If you’d like a copy, please send us an email. It’s created to help you take a deeper look at all the thoughts, feelings, experiences that have made you uniquely you, including surviving an abortion. It helps you peel back the layers of rejection, struggles with trust and self-worth, to find strength and acceptance of who you are. It gives you practical ideas on how to cope in a world that sees abortion as a choice and a right, and how to have courage in the face of others’ perceptions of you and about abortion.
I know many survivors are fearful of sharing their story. I know how hard it is to share the deepest, most raw parts of you with others. I know many want to walk through the workbook alone. Just know that we are always here for you as you walk through it. We can meet with you one on one virtually, or, when you’re ready, we can also add you to one of our small groups of survivors who work through the workbook together. By small group, I do mean SMALL, we have groups of three survivors work through the workbook together at a time.
Although there’s so much I want to share with you from the curriculum, I wanted to share an excerpt with you, which also gives you some insight into our logo and slogan: The Abortion Survivors Network: More Than A Choice.
You Are More.
As a fellow abortion survivor, there’s so much I want you to know. This healing workbook is my opportunity to share many of those things with you as you walk out your journey. If I could sum it up in three short words, though, here’s what I’d like you to know more than anything else:
You are more.
You are more than your mother’s decision to abort you.
You are more than the coercion and force that your father, your parents’ family members, medical professionals, or even clergy exerted on her to have the abortion.
You are more than the type of procedure that you endured and survived.
You are more than the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual difficulties you’ve faced in your life.
You are more than the prognosis that the doctors had regarding your future.
You are more than what family members who are burdened by life and the decisions they made about yours, have to say about you.
You are more than a choice. You are more than a “woman’s right.”
You are more than another statistic.
You are YOU, survivor and all.
The reality is, though, that although you are so much more than the circumstances surrounding your birth, surviving an abortion impacts every facet of your life. It shapes who you are, how you see yourself, how you view others and the world, and how you live your life.
Everyone’s healing process is different, just as everyone’s survival is, but there are many common experiences, thoughts and feelings, struggles and questions. It’s my hope that this workbook supports you in your journey to processing your experiences, finding further healing and strength, and embracing you, survivor and all.