Melissa's New Book



Beyond Roe: A Kingdom Perspective on Abortion: Part 1

Keep an eye out for regular blog posts from abortion survivors around the globe.

Although Robin survived a saline abortion just after Roe vs. Wade was legalized, her sentiments echoed here are for all abortion survivors, regardless of the time when the abortion took place. And her sentiments are also for more than just survivors–they’re for women and men who often feel fearful, unsupported, or that abortion is the only option given their circumstances. We must be the change in our culture. And it starts with supporting those who are struggling. Don’t miss next week’s podcast of Life Empowers with Melissa Ohden, where you’ll be hearing more about Robin.

“No More Wire Hangers”

Originally posted on Robin’s blog on October 24, 2020. Link below.

This morning, during my quiet time with the Lord, I heard Him say, “No more wire hangers!”. While I knew it was Him speaking, I was also seeing a scene from a movie in my spirit; the movie was “Mommie Dearest”, and in the scene, the abusive mother is yelling the line “no more wire hangers!” at her daughter. The Lord quickened me to remember that Joan, the mother in the 1981 film, played by Faye Dunaway, was abusive, controlling, and just generally didn’t value her (adopted) children for who they were. The film itself has been listed as “creepy” and “depressing” by critics, and yet; it provides a horrifyingly accurate glimpse into the lives of children whose parents don’t value them for who they are. The Body of Christ has spent the past couple decades working to help folks realize they are valuable just for who they are. 

In my spirit I sensed the Lord saying, “Overturning Roe v. Wade isn’t going to end the abortion issue. Pray for the hearts of the parents to be turned toward the children (Mal. 4:6). Declare that there will be NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!” I was shaken, as I am an abortion survivor, and this hit a little too close to home, but felt His hand of peace on me. 

The declaration “no more wire hangers” I heard from the Lord represented more than just abhorring the use of a cheap hanger for an expensive dress, as it had in the movie. It was a type, or picture, of the illegal abortions performed using wire hangers before abortion was legalized and widely available. He reminded me of Charles Finney’s work in revival during 1830-1831 in Rochester, New York, which reformed the society there. While Finney was there, the Holy Spirit’s conviction brought about the changes – not the law. Bars closed, the crime rate dropped, all because of the Holy Spirit’s work in the hearts of men and women.  We need thatkind of revival right now! With the current social climate, even if the laws supporting abortion changed, there would still be a demand for abortion. Women would once again subject themselves and their babies to an even more barbaric solution than the current offerings. People will always find ways to get what they want, no matter the cost.

When Finney (and other revivalists) preached, they prefaced everything they did with prevailing prayer, and God answered. The conviction of the heart was central, according to John 16:8 (NEB) “When he [the Holy Spirit] comes, he will convict the world, and show where right and wrong and judgment lie. He will convict them of wrong…” I was also reminded that prohibition (the prevention by law of the manufacture and sale of alcohol, especially in the US between 1920 and 1933. – Oxford Dictionary) did not stop alcoholism, nor the production or sale of alcohol. Scripture tells us in 2 Cor. 3:6 AMP, “He has qualified us [making us sufficient] as ministers of a new covenant [of salvation through Christ], not of the letter [of a written code] but of the Spirit; for the letter [of the Law] kills [by revealing sin and demanding obedience], but the Spirit gives life.” We cannot kill by trying to legislate morality. The entire Old Testament is proof that laws alone don’t complete the job. As Kingdom people, we need to be completely pro-life! Reversing Roe vs. Wade is only part of the problem, and we are to provide a more complete solution. 

Now, hear me out – I’m not saying you shouldn’t vote. By all means, our nation needs us to pray and vote our values! What I’m also saying is that voting isn’t the only change agent we have access to as Spirit-filled believers.

That means, we need to:

· Prevail in prayer for Holy Spirit to do His job and convict hearts. 

· Provide access to spiritual, emotional, and practical support to mothers who are pregnant, especially those who didn’t intend on being pregnant.

· Pray about who to vote for.

· Pray for our government – all three branches, and everyone involved (1 Tim. 2:1-3NKJV  Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,)


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