Type of abortion survived: At-home abortion attempt
“My purpose in life now, is to encourage others. To be a
blessing to others and to encourage them to be the best
person that God has created them to be!“
What Willard wants you to know:
I would send a message to the culture to simply say, that abortion is the ending of a human life. And just like it almost took my life. Let’s end this silent holocaust.

Willard’s Story
My mother intentionally overdosed on medication to attempt to abort me. She, after taking the medication, either fell down a flight of stairs or she intentionally jumped down the stairs. My biological father found her unconscious on the sofa upon his return. It was an unknown length of time before he found her in this condition. I was raised by my biological mom and dad. My childhood was horrific. I was verbally abused. I was called stupid and moron so much, that I thought that my name was “stupid.
” I never heard the words, I love you. I never heard the words, thank you. I never had a birthday party or cake while growing up like my siblings were able to enjoy. I was like an outsider looking in. My father hated me. It was because of what my mother had done, in taking the medication that she had taken. He used to work me like a rented mule. Without ever saying, “Thank you.”
I didn’t find out about the abortion attempt until I was fifty-three years old. One of my relatives shared the “secret” with me. I was sitting beside her on her sofa. And she looked me in the eyes and said, “Your mother overdosed on medication when she was pregnant with you. ” I will never forget that very moment! I was stunned, I was numb, I was speechless. But at the same time, I was relieved. Everything in my life began to make sense. My childhood made sense. My feelings of not belonging made sense.
That was then. Now, years later. I am no longer the same. You see, I met the Lord Jesus Christ! And I have been gloriously born again! I now have a Heavenly Father that has brought me through many times of struggle and pain and suffering!! I have by God’s grace forgiven my biological mother for the abortion attempt on my life. She is no longer with us. She passed away before I even knew about this. I would give anything to be able to tell her that I forgive her, and that I love her!
I am now associated with The Abortion Survivors Network. Through ASN, I have been able to go through a beautiful healing program. I have been able to connect with many Abortion survivors, just like myself! My purpose in life now, is to encourage others. To be a blessing to others and to encourage them to be the best person that God has created them to be! I want to give others the encouragement that I never received while I was growing up. And finally, I want to speak up on the behalf of the unborn children. I want to be their voice in this world that we live in. God Bless you!
Willard’s message to a mom considering abortion: Dear mom, Please reconsider your decision to have an abortion. You and your baby have so much to offer this world! I believe in you and I believe in your baby. Please go to a pregnancy center. Where you can receive support and care for you and your precious baby! Mom, please choose life for your baby!