Medical Research

Unsuccessful Abortions Happen.
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In ‘Deaths and Severe Adverse Events After the Use of Mifepristone as an Abortifacient,’ researchers found that in 452 patients with ongoing pregnancy, 148 (32.74%) terminated again, one miscarried, and 201 (44.7%) had unknown outcomes.

The significant number of women who chose to continue their pregnancy after initially choosing termination raises concerns regarding pre-abortion counseling and informed consent they received. Additionally, the high percentage of women with ongoing pregnancies for whom there is no follow up or known outcome is concerning. As health care providers, we are to continue to care for our patients and manage any complications yet in the AER’s (Adverse Event Reports) we reviewed this was not the case for the abortion provider. Furthermore, a federal directory of known outcomes and birth defects is imperative. 

As a professional, there are many ways you may encounter someone impacted by an unsuccessful abortion: