M O M. D A U G H T E R. W I F E.
Type of abortion survived: Believed to be a Saline Injection
“The illegal abortionist in downtown Seattle said I was not a viable pregnancy. The saline injection failed and I was born 7 months later.“
What Kimberly wants you to know:
That I am thankful to be alive and realize that my mother wasn’t aborting me but the situation. Forgiveness is the key to unlocking the nightmares
that a lot of us experience.

Kimberly’s Story
For as long as I can remember, I would have a recurring nightmare. I could feel it coming, as if someone was coming to kill me. I would go through a fog and would be in this dark webby veiny environment with a liquid-like black blob in the upper left-hand corner. Somehow I knew it was going to kill me! It was terrifying! When I was 15 years old, I woke from the nightmare screaming and crying. The black blob came closer than it had ever come since this nightmare started.
When I woke my parents explained the nightmare, they knew exactly what it was describing. Through forgiveness the nightmare disappeared, never to return again.
Kimberly’s message to a mom considering abortion: You have a baby in your womb, and it is not a situation but a human being. If you are not able to raise this beautiful child there are so many people who would give anything to love and care for your child. Please know the child is already developing and already has everything they need to be who they were made to be. I beg you to give your child this time to fully develop. So many of us know as survivors, we are miraculously made and want to have a chance to live.