Melissa’s Story

Abortion doesn‘t just end a life most of the time, it impacts relationships and families for generations.
Kimberly’s Story

The illegal abortionist in downtown Seattle said I was not a viable pregnancy.
Micaella’s Story

I was not a choice. I was chosen. My life
mattered then and it matters now.
Amy’s Story

Babies survive abortions. We arehere to share the truth that every babydeserves a chance at life.
Michele’s Story

Seeing the pain, shame, and guilt my mom suffered through her two abortion attempts, shows the trauma of abortion–not only for what babies suffer in the womb, but the abuse women suffer at the hands of those who have reduced the life of a baby to a procedure
Willard’s Story

I would send a message to the culture to simply say, that abortion is the ending of
a human life.
Dana’s Story

My life is an example of what happens when people decide a baby should not have been born.
A Summary of “Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Anomaly: A Population-Based Study 1995 to 2004”

In 1990, TOPFA, or termination of pregnancy for fetal anomaly, was made legal in the UK at any gestational age if the prenatal diagnosis indicates a risk of substantial abnormalities. This was done through an amendment to the Abortion Act. National abortion data, such as that gathered by the Office for National Statistics in England […]
Overlapping borders: limit of viability and late terminations of pregnancy – a retrospective multicentre observational study

This study was conducted following an incidental observation during a Swiss National Science Foundation Project. It aimed to analyze the context of delivery room deaths after late termination of pregnancy (LTOP) in Switzerland over three years. The Abortion Survivors Network created the following summary of this research. Method: Researchers examined delivery room deaths, including live […]
A Summary of “Fetal Survival in Second-Trimester Termination of Pregnancy Without Feticide”

The goal of this study was to determine the rate of live birth, and the duration of life, for survivors of pregnancy termination without feticide in the second trimester. The Abortion Survivors Network created the following summary of this research. Methods: This study retrospectively analyzed 241 abortions performed at a single center in Europe from […]